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Lost And Found

If you have lost your beloved Chihuahua companion or you have found a Chihuahua, please email or contact us on Facebook, and we will post a picture on our Facebook page.

We found this compiled list of things you should do if your pet is ever missing very helpful:

1.) Do not just call the shelters and ask if they have seen your dog... The people who answer the phones don't have a clue as to what each dog looks like. There is no way to cross reference the lost/found calls or the DOA book at the shelter. You need to physically go there and look for yourself. Each city only has to keep "strays" for 3 days prior to euthanizing. There is a DOA book at the shelter. This book lists all animals that were found dead or were euthanized. As difficult as it may be, you may need to check the book.

2.) You can place a FREE found ad in many different newspapers and it will run for 7 days. Daily Oklahoman: (405)-475-3311, Edmond Sun: (405) 341-2121 are only two of the many area papers. This is really important for the folks who do not use the internet and who do check the papers. Unfortunately, these papers do charge for lost ads.

3.) Call all area vets in a 5-mile or more radius and ask if anyone has reported finding a pet. Provide information and/or a flyer on the pet to each vet.

4.) Call all area rescues to see if they may have your pet, you can find a list of rescues on or

5.) Post your lost/found animal at all the area PetSmarts and PetCos.

6.) Post flyers on corners, gas stations, grocery stores and in the area the animal was lost.

7.) Post free lost ad on

8.) Post free lost/found on Pets 911, code 

9.) Post free lost/found ad on Craigslist.

10.) Place a free ad on

11.) NEVER put your dog's name on his I.D tags...this can cause many problems for you and finding your K9 friend. If your dog is stolen and the thief knows your dog?s name, it can be easy for them to keep your pet. This website provides helpful K9 profiling. This website helps determine what ?type? of missing pet situation you may have on your hand, provides possible scenarios and helpful suggestions best to find your pet based on your pet?s behavior. The information seems very helpful and can provide additional ideas.

Also, if your animal is not spayed/neutered it will cause many problems. Among them is the roaming factor?up to several miles away! Always spay/neuter all your pets! Another good prevention is to place a lock on your front/backyard gate. I have seen utility workers let pets out and not put them back. I have also seen these workers not properly latch a gate back, later allowing the pet to get out. Locks also DETER pet theft!!!!! Not to mention, if the utility company needs to gain access to your backyard, they will have to call and gain your permission with advance notice if you have a lock on your gate. Something most people like!

Microchipping helps just in case your pet slips out of their collar. All pets are scanned prior to being euthanized (but be sure to have current information in the data system). You may also consider listing a trusted friend?s phone number in addition to yours on tags/microchipping (in case you are out of town or are out of cell phone range). PLEASE always collar and tag all pets (with current information) and encourage others to do so as well.

Our best thoughts to each lost/found pet and the kind hearts that help them find their way home! 

Because Of You Chihuahua Rescue / Copyright 2007-2018

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